Conversion Rate Optimization Services: Increased Conversion Rate 550% with Redesigned Homepage

Identifying friction points with user testing videos led to a redesigned homepage and a 550% increase in conversion rates for this automated parking company.

550% demo request conversion rate
93% statistical confidence
65% average time on homepage

Could conversion rate optimization help clarify product messaging and increase lead volume during an industry shift from hardware to software?

Our Approach
  • Conducted user testing videos to determine the user pain points on the website
  • Designed a new version of the homepage hero
    • Increased message clarity
    • Included tangible product imagery

screenshot of original homepage
The original homepage had a 0.02% conversion rate.

Improved Version

screenshot of improved homepage
One of the improved versions of the homepage, redesigned based upon data gathered from user testing videos, which had a 0.13% conversion rate. The other new version had a 0.12% conversion rate.

Read more about our conversion rate optimization services or use our CRO calculator to see what a difference CRO could make to your results.

Want to know more? Contact us to talk about your company’s digital marketing needs.

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