CRO: 550% Increase in Homepage Conversion Rate

CRO testing led to a homepage redesign which resulted in a 550% increase in conversion rate for this parking SaaS company.

550% Increase in demo request conversion rate
93% Statistical confidence
65% Increase in average time on homepage

This parking SaaS company wanted to increase their demo requests but needed to educate users as parking services shift from hardware to software. How could we help them improve the user journey so that the right kind of searchers found and requested their demo?

Our Approach
  • Conducted user testing videos to determine the user pain points on the website
  • Designed a new version of the homepage hero which increased message clarity and included tangible product imagery
Original Homepage: 0.02% CVR

screenshot of the saas parking company's original homepage

Version A: 0.12% CVR

screenshot of one of two improved homepage redesigns for the parking saas company

Version B: 0.13% CVR

screenshot of a second improved homepage redesigns for the parking saas company

Read more about our conversion rate optimization services or contact us to talk about your company’s digital marketing needs.

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