CRO: Drove Significant Increase in Conversion Rate Through Layout & Design Testing

Directing new users to a thoughtfully designed "welcome" page focused on subscription benefits significantly increased subscriber sign ups for this niche newsletter.

75% new subscriber sign ups
66% ecommerce transactions

How could conversion rate optimization help this niche newsletter reverse a decline in new user subscriptions?

Our Approach

Redirected new users to a “Welcome” page where design and content focus on subscription benefits:

  1. Engaging, interactive map with featured news around the world
  2. Large CTA button at the top to “…Get Full Access”
  3. Quote from founder and well-known journalist George Friedman
  4. Commitments that make this source better than traditional news

screenshot of original welcome page for niche newsletter

Improved Version

screenshot of the improved welcome page showing specific improvements to layout, cta and other elements

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